Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our Pineapple Bush Still Going Strong

Shortly after we bought this pineapple bush, over a year ago, it produced the sweetest, juiciest pineapple I have ever eaten.  It was about the size of a small melon, but was just right for the two of us.

Since that time our yard has suffered a severe set back from the extreme cold temperatures this past winter and we were afraid it may have killed our little bush.  But, as you can see it is growing strong even though the leaves are damaged and brown the little fruit is hearty. 

It grows very slowly but I am hopeful that in another month or so we will have a great treat.

1 comment:

Tins and Treasures said...

You are growing pineapple?! I am in awe!!

Yes, I have been away from home, taking care of my elderly mom. Trying to get back into visiting and commenting on blogs, etc. I always enjoy stopping by to see what you are up to!

Have a fabulous weekend. ~Natalie