Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is it Fall Yet?

It's hard to believe we are nearing the end of October already. The temperatures for this week are to be in the 90's. Unbelievable.

It would be so nice to just be able to open my windows and air out my house. It has been closed to the outside for 6 months now and counting.

Coming from Colorado in 2004 my husband and I experienced a bit of a climate shock, but not seriously so as we both lived in Tucson for many years and were used to sunshine and heat for many months of each year. Of course, Florida is terribly humid compared to Arizona.

The only time I truly miss the cold weather is when we are approaching the holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love to cook with my oven and heat the house with wonderful smells. Most of the time here in Florida I use an oven that is the size of a large toaster oven to do most of my dinners as it is only the two of us and there is plenty of room to cook a chicken or a meatloaf or pretty much anything we want.

Last Thanksgiving it was still very warm outside and the thought of having the oven on to cook a turkey was not very appealing. We still did it but ran the a/c the entire time. I can remember finally sitting down to the dining table with my face full of moisture from all the steam in the house (from cooking).
It looks like it may be the same thing this year.

I think we had about 2 days last year where I actually wore one of my velour pant sets. Most of the time you think it looks cold outside and dress for it only to find out that the temperature is too warm and you have to go back inside to change into something cooler. Or you have peeled off your jacket before noon because the temperature is in the high 60's. You learn quickly to dress in layers here.

This heat and humidity isn't for everyone but Ralph and I love living here. We can still take a walk at 9 o'clock at night wearing our shorts and t-shirts, so who can complain about that?

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